CrabDiving – Thu 101719 – Mulvaney Admits Quid Pro Quo & RIP Representative Elijah Cummings

Civil rights legend and longtime Congressman Elijah Cummings passed away. Sith Lord Mick Mulvaney acknowledged the quid pro quo in the infamous Ukraine call. Turkey undermined Trump as he boasted about his ceasefire. Mitt Romney slammed Shitler’s ceasefire and labeled Trump’s Syria policy as a “blood stain.” Man-baby awarded his own property the next G7 Summit. Judge Napolitano of FOX “News” called the Trump G7 summit deal a “profound violation” of the emoluments clause. Nancy Pelosi promoted a video of Fox News slamming Cheeto’s Doral G7 Summit deal. Moscow/Cocaine Mitch’s senate opponent, Amy McGrath in 2020 has raised crap tons of cash for her campaign. Former DWTS contestant Rick Perry resigned as Energy Secretary. Since starting the impeachment investigation, public approval of Congress has skyrocketed. RWNJ Rick Wiles lunatic said ISIS was a mercenary army set up by Saudi Arabia, Israel and the U.S. comprised of genetically modified soldiers. Radio pastor and conservative dweeb Jesse Lee Peterson said Elijah Cummings death was punishment for messing with the “great white hope”.

mulvaney admits quid pro quo



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