Just when you think that conservatard shit-pile “The Drudge Report” cannot sink any lower, they surprise you. Seeking to leap upon any instance of black-on-white crime since the Trayvon Martin shooting, the loathsome editors over at Drudge were thrilled to…
Profoundly Dumb Louisiana Republicans Blame Obama for Katrina
In a recent poll of Republican primary voters by Public Policy Polling, 29% of them are stupid to an unfathomable level. You know, I bet they think Obama bombed Pearl Harbor, too. “In answer to the question, “Who do you…
Representative Steve King of Iowa is An Idiot
Spectacular moron and uber-bigot Steve King, Congressman from Iowa, is making a name for himself nationally by hopping in the GOP clown car and taking his “immigrants are evil” message out to the country. King is making no apologies for his…
Reverend Al Sharpton Has A New Young Girlfriend
CrabDiving salutes 58-year-old television pundit and civil rights activist Rev. Al Sharpton, who lately has been seen in the company of a nice, new, younger lady. The Rev is dating Aisha McShaw, 35, described as a “personal stylist” by the…