I just shelled out $13.50 plus parking at the Grove Theatre in stupid L.A. to see the worst Ridley Scott movie ever. “Prometheus” is great for about 2o minutes. Then all the characters start discussing the existence of god and a myriad of other boring shit. All I’m thinking while I’m eating a $6 tub of popcorn is when do we start blasting the fuck out of some aliens. The answer is never. NEVER. There isn’t one good fight scene in the whole movie. I guess Ridley Scott and George Lucas can sit around on their piles of dirty cash blowing each other while we – the stupid sponged brained fucking public – suffer through shitty Indiana Jones sequels and dippy Alien prequels that barely make sense. I guess the next big continuation of a franchise is the new Ninja Turtles movie directed by Michael Bay. Even as a kid, I never gave one shit about amphibatard martial artists named after genius ginny painters so I won’t be seeing it. Humbug.
Anyway, I enjoyed this thing on Youtube more than Prometheus. I generally can’t stomach a child trying to act. But these kids are kinda kick ass.
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