Wall Street Journal editor James Taranto thinks those little, drunken college whores are asking for it. In a piece for his unfair and unbalanced, one-percenter newspaper, Taranto said that those poor little boys that are nailing passed-out sorority chicks often get wrongly accused of being naughty.
Taranto: “What is called the problem of “sexual assault” on campus is in large part a problem of reckless alcohol consumption, by men and women alike.”
Sorry, you sexist, toadfaced shitstain, but I and all of my friends that went to college got drunk – CONSTANTLY – and nobody was ever accused of rape.
You know why? Because we’re not RAPISTS! We’re not entitled, Neaderthal thugs that think nobody can say “no” to us.
If you have a vagina and you vote for the party that embraces these misogynistic puddles of rancid hyena cum, your stupidity could fill a black hole.