Category: CrabDiving Progressive Radio Podcast

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The best political podcasts out there! Commie pinko atheist liberals, Ryan Pfeiffer and Patrick Viall present their hilarious daily, internet talk radio show, laughing and raging about politics, news, pop culture, religion and more.

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CrabDiving – Thu 102920 – Trump Is Flailing As Polls Solidify for Biden & Democrats Want To Expand SCOTUS

cohen implicates trump and manafort guilty

Trump is flailing as polls solidify for Biden. Shitler literally left hardcore radicalized supporters in the cold after a rally in Omaha. In light of the ACB situation, centrist politicians have found themselves justifiably embarrassed for waiting so long to…


CrabDiving – Wed 102820 – Trump Administration Claims Defeating COVID-19 As An Accomplishment & Omaha Trumpists Stranded

The Trump Administration claims defeating COVID-19 as an accomplishment despite much of the country spiking with record-high numbers of coronavirus cases. According to polls, Shitler has continued to lose bigly. Michigan can’t prevent open-carry nut-balls from hitting the polls strapped…


CrabDiving – Tue 102720 – Conservative SCOTUS Shanked Wisconsin’s Voting Extension & GOP Rammed Through A New SCOTUS Judge

kavanaugh vote delayed

Conservative SCOTUS shanked Wisconsin’s voting extension. A judge rejected the DOJ’s lame attempt to stand in for Trump in a NYC defamation case. The Huffington Post dropped a terrifying article about how Shitler’s minions are flushing data down the loo.…


CrabDiving – Fri 102320 – Trump’s Pathetic, Lackluster Debate Performance & Coronavirus Is Surging Again

Trump's Pathetic, Lackluster Debate Performance

Trump’s pathetic, lackluster debate performance. Trump’s faux chill vibe made the Rapist-in-Chief seem like a freaking psycho. Man-baby’s crap, fraudulent narratives about Joe and Hunter Biden fizzled during the debate. A RWNJ Trump-sucker announced if Biden won, human-to-cow intercourse would…
