Category: CrabDiving Progressive Radio Podcast

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The best political podcasts out there! Commie pinko atheist liberals, Ryan Pfeiffer and Patrick Viall present their hilarious daily, internet talk radio show, laughing and raging about politics, news, pop culture, religion and more.

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CrabDiving Progressive Radio PodcastDon’t forget to listen to all the other great podcasts here on the CrabDiving Network!

CrabDiving – Mon 062920 – Russia Offered Bounties On U.S. Troops & SCOTUS Scrapped Louisiana’s Abortion Restriction

Russia Offered Bounties On U.S. Troops And Trump Has Done Nothing

A bombshell report claims Russia offered bounties on U.S. troops in Afghanistan. Then Trump denied knowing anything about Russia paying the Taliban to kill Americans despite the Pentagon “pounding down the door” to get him to do something about it.…


CrabDiving – Wed 062420 – Trump’s Covidiots Are Squealing About Wearing Masks & More Bad Polls For The GOP

Trump's Covidiots Are Squealing About Wearing Masks

Trump’s covidiots are squealing about wearing masks. A California man with coronavirus symptoms infected lots at a large family gathering he attended. Newsom’s state experienced the highest daily jump in cases since this crap started. Biden continued the tea-bagging of…


CrabDiving – Mon 062220 – Trump’s Empty Tulsa Rally Capped Off His Very Bad Week & COVID-19 Is A “Forest Fire”

trump tulsa rally fail

Trump’s empty Tulsa rally capped off his very bad week. The White House claimed Shitler was being hyperbolic about slowing coronavirus testing to improve infection numbers. A fight over new mask rules in Arizona popped off. Dr. Michael Osterholm offered…
