Category: CrabDiving Progressive Radio Podcast

Welcome to theĀ CrabDiving progressive radio podcast!

The best political podcasts out there! Commie pinko atheist liberals, Ryan Pfeiffer and Patrick Viall present their hilarious daily, internet talk radio show, laughing and raging about politics, news, pop culture, religion and more.

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CrabDiving Progressive Radio PodcastDon’t forget to listen to all the other great podcasts here on the CrabDiving Network!

CrabDiving – Thu 040920 – Bill O’Reilly’s Vile COVID-19 Comments Are Typically Republican & ICE Gulags Must Close

Bill O’Reilly’s vile COVID-19 comments are typically Republican. Vice President Mike Pence barred the coronavirus task force members from appearing on CNN unless the network agreed to show Trump lying his unpresidential butt off during the daily press conferences. President…


CrabDiving – Wed 040820 – Bernie Sanders Suspended His Campaign & New York COVID-19 May Be Plateauing

Sanders v DNC

Bernie Sanders suspended his campaign. We learned the dirtbag Trump Administration knew of the pandemic in December and there was an intelligence report in November of 2019 warning of an outbreak in China. New York reported more coronavirus deaths. Hialeah,…


CrabDiving – Mon 040620 – Boris Johnson In Intensive Care & Mississippi GOP Governor Declares Confederate Heritage Month

Boris Johnson In Intensive Care

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s battle with COVID-19 sent him to intensive care. The European Union readied for their hardest week with the coronavirus and also found hope in their social distancing strategy. The Spanish government announced a roll out…


CrabDiving – Fri 040320 – Coronavirus Lives In Aerosolized Feces In Bathrooms & Churches Are Spreading The Virus

Coronavirus Lives In Aerosolized Feces In Bathrooms

Coronavirus lives in aerosolized feces in bathrooms. In non-fecal-related news, the humanless face of nepotism, Jared Kushner informed the country “our” federal stockpiled medical aren’t meant to save the lives of Americans. A COVID-19 infected dude has been fitted with…
