Category: CrabDiving Progressive Radio Podcast

Welcome to the CrabDiving progressive radio podcast!

The best political podcasts out there! Commie pinko atheist liberals, Ryan Pfeiffer and Patrick Viall present their hilarious daily, internet talk radio show, laughing and raging about politics, news, pop culture, religion and more.

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CrabDiving Progressive Radio PodcastDon’t forget to listen to all the other great podcasts here on the CrabDiving Network!

CrabDiving – Wed 122618 – Trump Told A Seven Year-Old Belief In Santa Is Marginal & Finally Visited Troops Overseas

Trump Told A Seven Year-Old Belief In Santa Is Marginal

Trump told a seven-year-old belief in Santa is “marginal” at her age, whatever the hell that means. Shitler secretly traveled to Iraq for his first military visit of his racist, loony presidency. Our rapist-in-chief managed to bust out two yuge lies while addressing…


CrabDiving – Fri 122118 – GOP Scrambles To Avoid Trump Shutdown & Atheism Growing Less Politically Toxic

gop scrambles to avoid trump shutdown

As the the GOP scrambles to avoid Trump shutdown it seems pretty pointless. Our so-called FLOTUS left Cheeto for Mar-a-Lago, Merry Christmas! Liberal Supreme Ruth Bader Ginsburg had masses removed from her lungs and she seemed fine after the procedure. In…
