Category: CrabDiving Progressive Radio Podcast

Welcome to the CrabDiving progressive radio podcast!

The best political podcasts out there! Commie pinko atheist liberals, Ryan Pfeiffer and Patrick Viall present their hilarious daily, internet talk radio show, laughing and raging about politics, news, pop culture, religion and more.

Spread The Crabs!

CrabDiving Progressive Radio PodcastDon’t forget to listen to all the other great podcasts here on the CrabDiving Network!

CrabDiving – Fri 083118 – Sharpton Rebuked Trump At Aretha’s Funeral & Trump Endangers Canada Trade Deal

sharpton rebuked trump

Sharpton rebuked Trump at Aretha’s funeral and the Crabs played the killer clip. Mueller snubbed Shitler’s attorney’s letter setting interview conditions. Supposed off the record comments by The Cheeto derailed the new NAFTA agreement with our friends to the north.…


CrabDiving – Tue 082818 – Puerto Rico Hurricane Deaths & Trump Rage Tweets About Google

puerto rico hurricane deaths

We rail about the Puerto Rico hurricane deaths and the administration’s blatant low-balling of the numbers. Trump accused Google of rigging search results in favor of negative coverage. The IG confirmed Shitler’s involvement in the FBI headquarters project right across…
