Category: CrabDiving Progressive Radio Podcast

Welcome to the CrabDiving progressive radio podcast!

The best political podcasts out there! Commie pinko atheist liberals, Ryan Pfeiffer and Patrick Viall present their hilarious daily, internet talk radio show, laughing and raging about politics, news, pop culture, religion and more.

Spread The Crabs!

CrabDiving Progressive Radio PodcastDon’t forget to listen to all the other great podcasts here on the CrabDiving Network!

CrabDiving – Thu 010418 – Sessions Targets Marijuana & More Intra-GOP Moob Fighting

sessions perjury

Session targets Marijuana and the Crabs covered the unjust proclamation made by our gollum AG. GOP Senator Gardner felt betrayed over Sessions’ weed crackdown. Colorado’s top prosecutor suggested he’s not interested in stepping up marijuana enforcement. Shitler threatened meth-walrus Bannon…
