The world lost its mind as Facebook and Instagram went down. The Zuck lost 7 billion in 7 hours. The Pandora Papers revealed world leaders like Putin have stashed tons of untaxed cash. IATSE voted to strike. SNL nailed the…
The best political podcasts out there! Commie pinko atheist liberals, Ryan Pfeiffer and Patrick Viall present their hilarious daily, internet talk radio show, laughing and raging about politics, news, pop culture, religion and more.
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Conspiracy performance artist Alex Jones lost three Sandy Hook lawsuits. There’s an effective COVID pill available. SCOTUS won’t hear a challenge to the New York public schools’ vaccine mandate. California said they’re making students get the jab. My Pillow ads have returned to…
Manchin and Sinema put big-money donors ahead of their constituents. Pelosi maneuvered the infrastructure budget legislation forward. YouTube said it would finally ban anti-vaccine propaganda content. United Airlines prepared to fire employees who refused the jab. Insurrectionist Congressperson Marjorie Taylor…
R. Kelly was convicted and hopefully Matt Gates is next. Mike Pompeo considered kidnapping and then assassinating Julian Assange. Morgues in Idaho are chockablock full of Covid victims. Actor William Shatner is going to space. The Crabs covered elections in…
The Arizona GOP fraudit is a bust but MAGA morons claim victory still. Chris Cuomo has been hit with sexual harassment allegations. A COVID cure might exist in bats, the only mammal with nipples that can fly. Elon Musk and…