Category: Ryan’s Posts

Ryan’s posts

Stupid Gwyneth Paltrow Quotes

According to StyleCaster’s “The 20 Most Pretentious Things Gwyneth Paltrow Has Ever Said“, the blonde babe from the Huey Lewis star vehicle, Cruisin’ has some extra-daft quotes floating about in the jack-i-sphere. Remember, Paltrow beat out Cate Blanchett for an Oscar in 1998…

I Just Had My Mother LoJack’d

If you listen to our progressive liberal radio show, you might be aware that I am from Florida. Specifically, the section of the Sunshine State that resembles the handle of a pan, pot or more aptly, anything of which to brain a…

Lethal Ink Causes Stink

The Lethal Weapon style ink etched into the waist of a light-sleeping Maine resident earns a visit from the po-po. I guess the shirt-less, pierced American History X looking dude below works nights and was awoken from a day-snooze when…

Hot Boxing It In an Igloo

A tiny band of stoner-students were busted in late February for hot boxing it in an igloo, according to a story on CNN. I guess the four students were discovered by a security guard that happened upon the ice house…