CrabDiving – Fri 031519 – White Nationalism Kills & We Need Police Reform

White nationalism kills despite what our racist-in-chief says. The murderous RWNJ shooter in New Zealand was inspired to kill 49 Muslims by a far-right French journalist who feared non-white immigrants.  A fascist educator found himself in hot water after mocking a student for not standing during the pledge. Conserva-twunt Bryan Fischer suggested the New Zealand shooter’s heart was in the right place because his government wouldn’t rid his country of brown people. Representative Ocasio-Cortez called out the evil NRA after the mass shooting in NZ. AOC also gave vile orc Wilbur Ross what-for regarding illegal changes the skesis made on U.S. Census forms. Italy banned unvaccinated students from attending school. Seventy party guests were wrongly arrested at a house party because a thug, a-hole cop found less than an ounce of weed on the premises. Speaking of armed, road pirates, a d-bag policeman was flipped off by a motorist and then issued the driver a ticket. Irish PM Leo Varadkar brought along his boyfriend to meet gay-hating, mother’s husband Mike Pence.

white nationalism kills

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