CrabDiving – Fri 071224 – Trump’s Expanding List of Enemies

Trump’s expanding list of enemies will surely extend past his waistline size, but maybe not. My Pillow Czar, Nazi Mike Lindell asked Shitler to dub him minister of all American elections. The average a bunch of polls, ignoring the electoral map shows the presidential election is still up for grabs. The Crabs talked about Trump’s plan to rip apart American and then turn it into a Nazi crap-storm, Project 2025. The orange load blathered ER actor Georg Clooney was backstabbing Biden when the Batman & Robin star published a letter in the New York Times asking Joe to step down. The least of the Kennedys, third party spoiler, RFK Jr. caterwauled a non-apology-apology to someone he may have sexually assaulted. Causing much Christian ED, The Bible was deemed completely irrelevant to the writing of the Constitution by scholarly types. In an ill-fated call to Hispanic lawmakers, Biden failed to make anyone feel better about his candidacy. Tooty Rudy Giuliani was denied bankruptcy protections by a judge and might have to sell fancy apartment in New York City.

Trump Wannabe Dictator - CrabDiving Podcast 061518


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