CrabDiving – Thu 031419 – Beto O’Rourke Announced He’s Running & Senate Rebukes Trump’s Fake Emergency

Beto O’Rourke announced he’s running and Trump had the nerve to make fun of his crazy hand movements. Shitler suggested his immigration policies at the border were incredible but still harmful… wut? Axios and others got busted for editing their own Wiki page. Twelve GOP Senators helped block Cheeto’s ridic National Emergency sham. Nancy Pelosi and the House passed a resolution to make Mueller’s Russia probe public. FBI gumshoe Lisa Page’s testimony was interpreted differently by Dem and GOP lawmakers. Fox and Friends’ resident ninny Brian Kilmeade complained about presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke’s enjoyment of reading. NFL baller Michael Bennett said despite his new contract with Trump’s favorite team, the Patriots, he’d continue to participate in the take-a-knee movement and stay in the locker room for the anthem. President Man-baby suggested “Bikers For Trump,” cops and the military would revolt if he weren’t re-elected in 2020. Tel Aviv is putting LED “walk signs” in the sidewalk for cell phone zombies. Actor Rosario Dawson said she’s dating presidential hopeful Cory Booker.

Beto O'Rourke announced his presidential campaignEnjoy more of this progressive politics podcast in the archives.

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