CrabDiving – Tue 021919 – Shady Saudi Nuclear Tech Deal & Roger Stone Instagrams His Way To Jail

Trump officials tried to rush a shady Saudi Nuclear tech deal through without the knowledge of congress. Dandy GOP crook Stone was ordered to appear in court because of a threatening Instagram post. Former FBI head Andrew McCabe revealed congressional leaders were briefed on the Trump/Russia investigation early on and nobody cared. After invoking Shitler’s name, Sith Lord Mike Pence was noticeably shaken by the absence of applause. Lanny Davis teased us about the Trump shenanigans Cohen was going to share with Congress. Jussie Smollett’s scenes in the upcoming season of Empire were cut after evidence points to the actor staging the attack in Chicago. Pat and Ryan learned all about a proposed loony Civil War memorial which features a giant tribute to Lincoln’s assassin. Justice Clarence Thomas agrees with Trump about libel laws so victims could be sued by accusers. A student in Florida was arrested for not standing for our fascist, creepy pledge. With Scott Walker gone, Wisconsin joined states supporting the Paris Climate Accord, despite PEEOTUS pulling out of the environmental agreement. Finally, Bernie Sanders announced he’s running again. trump mideast trip orb

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