Progressives are tired of Democratic leaders playing nice and feel betrayed because Pelosi pushed back Bidens infrastructure legislation. A Federal Reserve official was busted doing a dirty stock trade and decided to resign rather than endure an investigation, which he claimed would be a “distraction for the country.” Cocaine Mitch McConnell blocked legislation that would have raised the debt ceiling. GOP wanker Rep. Madison Cawthorne blathered he was on a mission against the evil in DC. Stew Peters said he will shoot anyone that comes to his door and tries to vaccinate him or his family. The service industry has been fighting back against angry Kens and Karens. Former Trump Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham wrote a tell-all that includes crap about Shitler unknown to Melania. Massachusetts thugs-in-blue threatened to walk if they’re mandated to get vaxxed, but only one has so far. General Milley handed Tom Cotton his starfish in a senatorial hearing. Ron DeathSantis is favored over Trump in 2024. The Crabs played clips parents behaving badly at school board meetings.
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