Romney permed an op-ed thoroughly trashing our moron-in-Chief and probably expected oral from the universe. Shitler twatted back against Mittens. Speaking of Twitter, man-baby fired off many sad ropes of insane via his favorite social media platform on New Year’s. Cheeto lied yet again about Mexico paying for the wall, smh. New progressive legislators are poo-pooing the Pay-Go rules. Loony GOP trolls in Alabama are crying “butthurt” over Molester Moore’s loss to Doug Jones. Saudi Arabia got their torture panties in a twist over a satirical HBO show that went after the Crown Prince for having Khashoggi killed. A conserv-a-twunt on FOX said food stamp recipients were too busy wanking to porn to find work. Finally Jerry Falwell, Jr. uttered some dumb crap about why it doesn’t matter Trump is a rapey a-hole.
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