Charter schools joined the three-day teachers’ strike in Los Angeles. Speaker Nancy Pelosi uninvited Trump, penning a letter to Czar Trump letting him know he will not get the State of the Union podium due to his stupid shutdown. Stephen Miller is super sad because his fascist SOTU speech might not get read to Murica. A Florida commissioner uttered forth ridic Islamaphobic crap about Rep. Rashida Tlaib. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez handed former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker his ass in a twitter debate about taxes. Straight white dudes that didn’t go to college are falling out of love with Cheeto Teats. Our rapist-in-Chief spun fiction about the origin of a scratch atop his teeny tiny hand. It’s rumored Lindsey Graham has cray cray kink for which he’s being blackmailed by Russia. A RWNJ loadasauras suggested Democrats get sterilized. Finally, the Crabs learned Manafort was possibly placing people in the Trump Administration per Putin’s instruction.
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