CrabDiving – Wed 022625 – Authoritarian Trump Regime Is Picking Which Journalists Can Cover Them

The authoritarian Trump regime is picking which journalists can cover them. Oligarch megaload Jeff Bezos did his part to turn the Washington Post into fascist, Trump-loving toilet paper. Goose-stepping Elmo’s business empire was seeded with 38 billion bucks of government money. The Tesla’s Czar’s stepsister ended up marrying their dad.  President Musk might have to open up Tesla’s books to the government since Uncle Sam is a related party. In Idaho, brown shirts dressed in black with no identification violently assaulted and then dragged a woman out of town hall. A white nationalist blathered the Civil Rights Act needs to be repealed to protect her “white spaces.” With many syllables, globe-a-phobe rightwing loon Kandiss Taylor announced a run for Congress.  The Crabs reviewed comedian Joe Rogan’s fellation of chainsaw wielding perv Elon.

free press equals democracy


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