KVoice, A Voice of Resistance – Mon 08/20/18

Rock em’ Sock em’ and Make Asbestos Great Again! On this episode of your Resistance Podcast we celebrate “our” President’s vision for a cancer riddled world. We muse over our crazy country. People are flocking to their opposing sides, but without a sorting hat (#HarryPotterReference) to send people to one party or the other what is it that is driving us to our prospective sides? What is fueling the ever widening partisan divide? It is not magic. It is as fundamental as the color of our skin, the person we love, the God we pray to, and for some, the God we don’t. Right or left, like it or not, we are engaged in Identity politics, forming what are called “mega identities”. Later in the show we flesh out the much ignored, pestilence ridden meteor that has collided with our country thanks to both parties known as the John S. McCain, Jr. National Defense Authorization Act. If you care about the environment, your freedom, civil rights or the economy you’re gonna get mad. Next, we deliver our call to action: OPPOSE ANTI-VOTING RIGHTS THOMAS FARR FOR FEDERAL JUDGESHIP. Finally, has America ever been great? Is it now? Can it be without it being great for everyone? We explore these questions and more on this episode of KVoice of Resistance. #RESIST!

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