From trickle down, to a vast propaganda media ministry, to gerrymandering, to the starving of school funds, the gutting of unions, to youth outreach, to voter suppression, to the systematic removal of rights, freedoms, protections, the social safety net and more, the forces hacking away at our life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are well organized, well funded, smart and playing the long game. The Left’s actions tend to be driven by reactions to each new trick the the Right throws at us. Well, not anymore! On Tuesday the 5th, California will have its primary and more will follow throughout the nation. Our vote matters. With the right people in place to win in November we can pull a Mitch McConnell and keep the Hellmouth from opening up over the Supreme Court and Capitol Hill. We have that kind of power! There is much the Resistance is doing but our immediate call to action is to take back our government and flip this country blue! And there is a bunch of stuff in the news that we talk about too. #RESIST
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