CrabDiving – Tue 060920 – GOP Voter Suppression In Georgia & Trump Spreads OANN Conspiracy

GOP Voter Suppression In Georgia

GOP voter suppression in Georgia is on point because that’s the only shot the racist, lying, thieving Trump-sucking human impersonating Republicans have of winning. OANN has a Putin-paid journalist on the payroll. The wee-handed Rapist-in-Chief tweeted an ANTIFA conspiracy theory…


CrabDiving – Mon 060820 – America Is Demanding Police Reform & Elmer Fudd Has Been Disarmed

America Is Demanding Police Reform

America is demanding police reform and justice for George Floyd’s family. Trump continues to fade in the polls this week. MAGA wanker Candace Owens had her GoFundMe suspended after raising over $200,000 for a business owner who called George Floyd…


CrabDiving – Fri 060520 – Trump Hides Behind New Walls As His Poll Numbers Plummet & DC BMLStreet Mural

Trump Hides Behind New Walls As His Poll Numbers Plummet

Trump hides behind new walls as his poll numbers plummet cowering in a fortified castle as people protested racial injustice in the U.S. The orange fascist bizarrely evoked George Floyd to celebrate what is probably a manipulated jobs report. We…


CrabDiving – Thu 060420 – Rudy Giuliani Went Bonkers In His Lair & More Generals Are Criticizing Trump

Rudy Giuliani Went Bonkers In His Lair

Rudy Giuliani went bonkers in his lair. Former Chief of Staff John Kelly threw support behind Mattis’ rebuke of fascist Donald Trump. The Crabs mused over the identity of the secret security forces that popped in Washington D.C. Senator Lisa…


CrabDiving – Wed 060320 – Steve King Lost His Primary In Iowa & Mattis Calls Trump A Threat To The Constitution

Steve King lost his primary in Iowa and the air was instantly sweeter. DC cops decided to “kettle” peaceful protesters to get their authoritarian sadism on. Adult President Obama held a town hall about racism in America. New York thugs…
