CrabDiving – Mon 120919 – Inspector General Report Broke QAnon Hearts & Matt Gaetz Is A Tool

Inspector General Report Broke QAnon Hearts

Today’s release of the Inspector General report broke QAnon hearts, finding “no political bias” inthe Russia investigation. Trump blathered that the IG report was evidence of an attempted overthrow by Obama and Company. Fashionable fascist Ivanka and super-spy Christopher Steel…


CrabDiving – Fri 120719 – Nikki Haley Coddles Racists & Cartoonish Tucker Carlson Hates Feminism

Nikki Haley Resigned

GOP diaper load Nikki Haley coddles racists who support the confederate loser flag by claiming that rag was about “heritage” until Dylann Roof “hijacked” it. The US jobs report is a gilded turd of low-wage jobs and increasing income disparity.…


CrabDiving – Thu 120519 – Pelosi Calls For Articles of Impeachment & Former Alex Jones Employee Dishes

Pelosi calls for Articles of Impeachment

As Pelosi calls for articles of impeachment for Trump, North Korea revived the “dotard” label for Shitler. An Indonesian couple was caned for having premarital sex, cuz violent sky-god loons are in charge. A dude that worked for Sandy Hook…


CrabDiving – Tue 120319 – Devastating House Intelligence Committee Report & Anti-Semite Rick Wiles’ White House Press Badge

Devastating House Intelligence Committee Report

The devastating House Intelligence Committee report will surely damn Trump. Michael Bloomberg overtook Kamala Harris in a new poll on the same day she dropped out of the race. French President Emmanuel Macron gloriously schooled Shitler on NATO. Lindsey Graham…


CrabDiving – Mon 120219 – Zelenskyy Complained About Trump & Martin O’Malley For The Win

Zelenskyy Complained About Trump

Zelenskyy complained about our crappy president and how man-baby was a horrendous strategic partner. Shitler lied about being exonerated for any abuse of power for personal gain. MSNBC guy Chuck Todd challenged Senator John Kennedy on his obviously baseless Ukraine…
