CrabDiving – Wed 061924 – Louisiana Fascist Republicans Will Force Christianity On All School Children

Louisiana republicans force christianity on everyone

Louisiana fascist Republicans will force Christianity on all school children. Slurring, thick-tongued Trump pretended he loved Milwaukee, even though he said otherwise, and blathered he would stay in the Brew City during the RNC. According to the co-editor-in-chief of Vanity…


CrabDiving – Mon 061724 – Florida Ex-Cop Is A Russian Disinformation Super Spreader

russia gop

Florida ex-cop is a Russian disinformation super spreader. Spin doctors at the Pentagon ran a secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China propaganda during the pandemic. The Cannes Film Festival deserves a green splat from Rotten Tomatoes after asking Tech predator…


CrabDiving – Mon 061024 – Trump’s Shark vs. Electrocution Conundrum

Trump’s shark vs. electrocution conundrum was discussed on the progressive political podcast as well as at orange tubby fascist calling the January 6th rioters “warriors.” According to recent polls, Biden has edged out Shitler. Tooty Rudy Giuliani’s coffee is out…
