CrabDiving – Mon 090919 – Wilbur Ross Threatened NOAA For Contradicting Trump & Falwell Jr. Exposed

Wilbur Ross threatened NOAA for contradicting Trump with the fact that Alabama was safe from a hurricane Dorian. NOAA has since opened an investigation into why the agency backed up the crap claims of “President Sharpie.” Man-baby instructed a Fox…


CrabDiving – Fri 090619 – Trump’s Obvious Mental Decline & Religious Nuts Ban Harry Potter

Trump's Obvious Mental Decline

Trump’s obvious mental decline has been stunning, especially this week! The DOJ launched an antitrust probe into California automakers because the car makers are amazingly self-regulating in terms of environmental standards. After the whole “president sharpie” madness, White House aides…


CrabDiving – Thu 090519 – Pathetic Trump Altered A Weather Map With A Sharpie & Boris’ Bad Brexit

Trump Altered A Weather Map With A Sharpie

Pathetic Trump altered a weather map with a sharpie, and the Shitler-suckers in the White House came to his rescue. Hurricane Dorian is washing up bricks of blow on Florida’s Atlantic coast. It leaked that Man-baby may drop Mother’s Husband…


CrabDiving – Mon 090219 – Cartoonish Gunhumping Texas Republicans & Tony Perkins Blames Mass Shootings On Teaching Evolution

Cartoonish Gunhumping Texas Republicans

Cartoonish gunhumping Texas Republicans have made the gross calculation that dead Americans are a fair price to pay for their precious Second Amendment rights. This past weekend’s mass shooter was fired four hours before he went on a murderous rampage…


CrabDiving – Fri 083019 – British Lou Dobbs (Stuart Varney) Says Trump Never Lies & FOX “News” Can’t Believe Comey’s Innocent

British Lou Dobbs (Stuart Varney) Says Trump Never Lies

British Lou Dobbs (Stuart Varney) says Trump never lies, womp womp. A judge denied the Democrats’ request to speed up the Shitler tax return lawsuit. Getting phallic AF, Cheeto compared Dorian to hurricane Andrew calling it a monster. RWNJ dick-lord…
