Charter schools joined the three-day teachers’ strike in Los Angeles. Speaker Nancy Pelosi uninvited Trump, penning a letter to Czar Trump letting him know he will not get the State of the Union podium due to his stupid shutdown. Stephen…
Steve King being removed from committees was one of the biggest headlines covered on Tuesday’s CrabDiving. Brexit news turned out to be a yuge crap storm, but Pat and Ryan made it ok by vomiting forth lots of Monty Python quotes. The…
The FBI counterintelligence investigation of Trump was on like Donkey Kong right after Comey got canned. Shitler vowed to never back down from his racist wall. Evidence showed ‘Murica is losing the trade war with China. Conserv-a-loon Laura Loomer trespassed on…
Trump may steal disaster money for his wall. Federal workers cheated out of their pay by Shitler staged protests against the ridic shutdown. The Crabs’ RWNJ rep Matt Gaetz ain’t down with Cheeto’s plan to use emergency funding for the…
Pat and Ryan were trapped in the stupid Trump wall zone on this episode of the cussing progressive podcast. People that actually live at the border told the press Shitler’s Southern border was total crap. A wall prototype was easily…