CrabDiving – Fri 092818 – Kavanaugh Vote Delayed & Rampaging Naked Jehovah’s Witnesses

kavanaugh vote delayed

The Kavanaugh vote was delayed with loony theatricality. Hitler-esque Trump ordered the FBI to investigate the rapey activities of his gross SCOTUS nominee. Human impersonator Lindsey Graham was slammed for stupid remarks he made after the hearing. Stormy’s lawyer Michael…


CrabDiving – Thu 092718 – Historic SCOTUS Nominee Hearing & Lindsey Graham Goes Nuts

historic scotus nominee hearing

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford gave heroic testimony at a hearing for predator SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Meathead, alleged rapist Brent K. suggested he was the victim of a revenge plot on behalf of the Clintons. The Crabs learned all about Trump’s…


CrabDiving – Wed 092618 – Trump Battles Avenatti & Insane POTUS Press Conference

Trump battles Avenatti and the Crabs cover every blow on this episode of CrabDiving. Alleged predator and SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh said the latest sexual abuse allegations against him were from The Twilight Zone. Shitler held a typically bizarre press…
