CrabDiving – Mon 092418 – More Kavanaugh Accusers & Rosenstein Fired Not Fired

avenatti tweet more kavanaugh accusers

More Kavanaugh accusers came forward and the Crabs reviewed the new details. Senate Dems want to investigate new allegations of sexual misconduct for the dishonest, rapey SCOTUS nominee. GOP legislator Susan Collins said Kavanaugh’s latest accuser should speak with the…


CrabDiving – Fri 092118 – GOP Team Treason Squeals Over Rosenstein Joke & Faithless Friday Fun

The GOP team treason squeals over Rosenstein joking about wearing a wire around POTUS. Trump tweeted a classless, ignorant slamming Kavanaugh’s accuser. GOP Senator Susan Collins was appalled by Cheeto’s horrendous tweet regarding the Kavanaugh sexual assault scandal. A Republican…


CrabDiving – Thu 092018 – Sexist GOP Rushing Kavanaugh Accuser & Snoop Dog Speaks Truth

want handmaids tale vote gop - crabdiving

The sexist GOP rushing Kavanaugh accuser to testify is totally screwed up. A Republican insider said they’re worried about another shoe dropping with Kavanaugh. Hawaiian Senator Mazie Hirono suggested Kavanaugh should be investigated for witness tampering. Cheeto blasted as “ridiculous”…
