CrabDiving – Wed 122723 – Trump’s Joyous Christmas Greeting Included “Rot In Hell”

Trump’s joyous Christmas greeting included “rot in Hell.” The New York Times filed a suit against Microsoft’s AI for stealing their content. Authoritarian tech bro Elon Musk hasn’t been able to create an anti-woke AI. The evil Republic of Florida…


CrabDiving – Fri 122223 – Lordy, There’s Tape Of Trump Pressuring Michigan Officials Into Sedition

Lordy, there’s tape of Trump pressuring Michigan officials into Sedition. Crappy SCOTUS didn’t see the urgency of ruling on Trump’s immunity claim. Criminal AG of Texas Ken Paxton was sued after demanding out-of-state medical records. Simpleton comedian Joe Rogan along…


CrabDiving – Wed 122123 – Republicans Are Losing Their Brain Cell Over Trump’s Colorado Disqualification

Republicans are losing their brain cell over Trump’s Colorado disqualification. The State Supremes of Colorado could uphold the decision and Shitler would not appear on their ballot. Republican Primary candidate disgraced former Governor Christie caterwauled insurrectionist Trump should be allowed…
