CrabDiving – Mon 121823 – Clarence Thomas Whined About His SCOTUS Salary

Clarence Thomas whined about his SCOTUS salary. Roseanne caterwauled incoherent rhetoric about a Nazi-fascist-Muslim-caliphate conspiracy theory which was too loony for the brownshirts of Turning Point to swallow. SImpleton MAGAT Brian Kilmeade of Fox and Friends blathered a lame excuse…


CrabDiving – Wed 120623 – Kevin McCarthy Will Slither Out of Congress Early

Kevin McCarthy will slither out of Congress early.  Mama Nazi, Marjorie Talyor Greene blathered, “Hopefully no one dies,” as she bemoaned the expulsion of disgraced former GOP congressperson George Santos. Trump caterwauled he’d only be a dictator on day one…
