CrabDiving – Mon 112116 – Trump Hamilton Tweets & Bannon A Big Fat Fascist?

trump hamilton tweets

The Trump Hamilton tweets are reviewed on this episode of the CrabDiving Radio Podcast. Alt-right darling Richard Spencer was chilled with MTV celeb and racist Tila Tequila at a white supremacist shindig. Our fascist President-Elect brought the media together in a…


CrabDiving – Fri 111816 – Trump University Settlement & Dumb Starbucks Protest

trump university

Trump agreed to a Trump University settlement, even though he “never settles.”  Civil rights groups are not happy with racist-ish Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III as Attorney General.  A Detroit TV new anchor resigned after she complained about reporting on all the…


CrabDiving – Thu 111716 – Deplorable Cabinet Choices & Trump Toady Sentimental For Internment Camps

Deplorable cabinet choices made the Crabs want to throw up a little on Thursday’s episode of the political podcast. RWNJ hardliner John Bolton said he would push for regime change if made Secretary of State. Speaking of Secretary of State,…
