CrabDiving – Wed 092816 – Trump Alicia Machado Slurs & Hillary Is No Sumo Wrestler

trump alicia machado slurs

The Trump Alicia Machado slurs are totally inappropriate and the Crabs review them all. The Michelle Obama Trump speech was all about temperament and the kind of character POTUS should have. The polls that showed Donald winning the debate were manipulated and…


CrabDiving – Tue 092716 – First Presidential Debate Recap & Glenn Beck Bloody Fit Clips

First Presidential Debate

The first presidential debate recap on CrabDiving featured the many gaffes of the orange a-hole face. The former Miss Universe, Alicia Machado got the Khizr Khan treatment from The Donald. The Crabs discussed the rules for the second 2016 Presidential…


The Hollywood Hick – Fri 072916 – Lindsay Lohan Fiance Fight & Roger Ailes Fired

lindsay lohan fiance fight

Check out this shiny, happy, sparkling, thank-god-I-ain’t-a-Republican edition of The Hollywood Hick!  Brent suffers a massive ant invasion in his kitchen, but the Florida room is safe, y’all. The Wonder Woman trailer is tits! After a Lindsay Lohan fiance fight,…


CrabDiving – Fri 092316 – Ted Cruz Endorses Trump & Ark Encounter Museum Fail

ted cruz endorses trump

Douchebag Senator Ted Cruz endorsed Trump and scored lame points. The darling GOP rag Drudge Report broke the “news” that there would be zero Hillary coughing breaks during the upcoming presidential debate. Keith Scott’s wife begged the police to not shoot her…
