CrabDiving – Tue 090616 – Gretchen Carlson FOX Settlement & Glenn Beck’s American Dream Dies, Lit’rally

Gretchen Carlson Sues FOX

The Gretchen Carlson FOX settlement was huge, which makes you think the land of Roger Ailes was pretty darn creepy. Governor Rick Perry is getting fitted for a dance belt, color The Crabs there! Greta Van Susteren says buh bye to the…


CrabDiving – Mon 090516 – Obama Defends Kaepernick & Biden Sick Of Trump

obama defends kaepernick

Obama defends Kaepernick and, predictably, RWNJs lose their tiny minds. Hillary clobbers the orange-a-hole-face in the latest 2016 presidential race polls, despite her recent bout of coughing. Supposedly, Hacksaw Ridge will revive the career of racist and frequent loon Mel…
