CrabDiving – Wed 052516 – Hillary Clinton Emails & Trump Goes Full Vince Foster

Hillary Clinton emails

Hillary Clinton emails are again back in the news and lunatic Hillary haters are popping torrid, white stiffies. Bernie Sanders invites Cornel West to the Democratic Platform Committee. Does anyone even like Debbie Wasserman Schultz? While batting his orange eyelashes, Donald Trump…


CrabDiving – Fri 052016 – Pat Robertson Says Starve Drug Addicts & Twunt Tehran Tom

Pat Robertson it's ok if husband was accidentally gay once

Pat Robertson says starve drug addicts cuz Jeebus! Faithless Friday features shenanigans from Senator Tom Cotton, AKA “Tehran Tom.” Racist Trump delegates want to make America white again. Rednecks in Florida are bringing crocodiles to Murica out of pure ignorance and a…
