The Hollywood Hick – Fri 061915 – Charleston Hate Crime, Kelly Osbourne Rachel Dolezal Nonsense

http://cKelly Osbourne Rachel Dolezal

Horrors in Charleston and Kelly Osbourne Rachel Dolezal BS!  You gotta check out this episode, Mothertruckers! I’m guessing the Hick ain’t the only one who heard some shit went down in Charleston recently.  Jon Stewart talks good.  How is it possible to…


CrabDiving – Tue 062315 – Private Prisons Profit & Jim Jefferies Right About Gun Control

private prisons profit

On Tuesday’s totally Crab-tastic episode Pat and Ryan pooh-pooh the private prisons profit dealio. They also rage over several hot topics.  Haley Barbour is a big, fat, white, racist douchenozzle.  Senate fast tracks for Barack.  The Limbaugh load pukes forth…
