CrabDiving – Tue 042815 – Shep Smith Ain’t Havin’ It, SCOTUS Hears Gay Marriage, GOPer’s Hard Times With Dick Pics

Tuesday’s Crabs include the following headlines: SCOTUS might end up on the right side of gay marriage; Twitter’s wallet thins a bit; Shep Smith at Faux News takes 0.0 crap from idiots like Eric Bolling; make my church sign in Okla-coma…


CrabDiving – Mon 042715 – Pat Robertson Wisdom, ScroGuard & Latex Shirts, Ashes To Dildo

Pat Robertson it's ok if husband was accidentally gay once

On Monday’s CrabDiving podcast, Pat and Ryan welcome comedian and host of The Hollywood Hick show into the studios and they discuss the following stories: a Christ-a-ban jerk-off preacher says horrible things about victims of the earthquake in Nepal; Pat Robertson…
