CrabDiving – Fri 041015 – Keyes Clearly Crazy, Will Work For Yacht Garage, Randy Raelians

park boat inside boat

On #FaithlessFriday the Crabs pinch off the following headlines: Harvey Weinstein not charged with rape-y/ grope-y shenanigans; Dodd Frank for the win; one-percent-ers awarded for owning nice things; diction dandy Alan Keyes predicts Obama goes nuc-u-lear for a third term;…


The Hollywood Hick – Tue 040715 – RIP Roscoe P. Coltrane; Shut Up, Kristen Stewart

roscoe p coltrane with flash

Not talking about Indiana today (much). RIP Roscoe P. Coltrane. Cooter ain’t just for breakfast anymore. Those guys from Scrubs are a little desperate for relevancy.  Celebrities should not be allowed to name their own children. Kristen Stewart (that boring…


CrabDiving – Thu 040915 – South Carolina Anti-Gay Marriage Brief; Rubio Backstabbing Bush

south carolina state flag

Once again, The Hollywood Hick himself, comedian Brent Parris, joins Pat in CrabDiving studios as Ryan travels.  These topics are touched upon: The anti-gay hate has died down on The Hollywood Hick Facebook page; Marco Rubio’s campaign will put him…


CrabDiving – Wed 040815 – Cop Jailed for Getting Filmed; Glenn Beck’s Lumbersexual Merch

Glenn Beck autographed prints

Ryan co-hosts one final time from Alaska as his trip winds down, joining Pat to tear apart the following stories:  A video emerges changing a South Carolina narrative from “cop shoots attacker” to “cop arrested for murder“; vile Sith Lord Cheney…
