CrabDiving – Fri 032715 – AZ Tea Party Loony Wants Mandatory Church, Mike Pence A Putz, Glenn Beck Enters Thunderdome

On #FaithlessFriday, the Crabs cover the following stories: it turns out copilots should never be without company; jerk-off Governor Mike Pence takes a well deserved Twitter reaming; who knew MSNBC feared the wrath of country music fans; Glenn Beck is…


CrabDiving – Thu 032615 – Cruz Ain’t Galileo, Willie Nelson Weed, Takei Gives Pence A Tongue Lashing

George Takei boycotts Indiana

On Thursday, the Crabs deliver the following headlines: no one seems to be tolerating Indiana’s intolerance; a foreskin intactivist launches a “prick-starter” campaign skin to end schlong snipping; Willie Nelson will not be the Walmart of weed; Keith Olbermann gets medieval…


CrabDiving – Wed 032515 – Glenn Beck Zombie Notes, Furious 7 Resurrects Paul Walker, Takei Boycotts Indiana

George Takei boycott Indiana if anti-gay law passes

On this episode of the Crabs, Pat and Ryan get their idiot translators on as they review the blatherings of RWNJ Phil Robertson and Glenn Beck. They also cover these stories: Mira Sorvino and Cybill Shepherd star in some sad-sack…


CrabDiving – Tue 032415 – Ted Cruz Bu-Bye To Rock After 9-11, Phil Robertson Torture Porn, Satan Got Megyn Kelly

Bryan Fischer thinks Satan Got Megyn Kelly

Pat and Ryan rage over these tales of RWNJ lunacy; Ted Cruz stopped liking classic rock after 911; Rick Scott’s Disaster Chief minion will not let the words “climate change” spill from his stupid moron lips; Kirk Cameron’s movie is…
