There’s more gross news about restaurants and we can thank the “Fast Food Workers Of Reddit”. The group responded to the following question, “What should we NOT order at your restaurant? Why not?” This thread is very popular and so dense…
Give it up to inTouch for obtaining Lindsay Lohan’s celebrity conquest list. I guess the sexy ex-con was hanging with pals at the Beverly Hills Hotel and for fun, decided to take an inventory of her past lovers. According to inTouch,…
Justin Bieber is not cool. As the great Red Foxx would say in Sanford and Sons, Bieber is a “big dummy”. If you have children that are fans of this horrible hoser, you gotta talk to them. Explain to your…
A bird set London afire and it wasn’t the puffing polly pictured below. I think the culprit was a crow. The what, when, and where is neither here nor there. The point is one of these flying animals is to…
If amnesty for illegal immigrants passes, Ann Coulter wants to send death squads for those who vote for it. Coulter slithered out of her hole and took a moment away from sucking bone marrow out of babies to sit on…