Doug Hutchison’s wife is an impressionist. Who knew? The Green Mile star films his giant-tittied child bride doing her best “kitty”. You gotta watch this shit.
Seriously, The Crabdiving Show is Huge on Youtube Asia
Below is a screenshot of the last thirty days’ worth of views to our eighth CrabDiving Show on Youtube (entitled “Ryan on the Radio, A Redtube Recommend, and Some Beer Belches“). Tens of people in Pakistan, India, and the Philippines…
CrabDiving 014 – v. Hippo Fart, Adrianne Curry Twitter Bump, Obama Gay Partners
And another CrabDiving Show hits the airwaves. In this pointless episode, we compare views with the hippo fart video, thank Adrianne Curry for her re-Tweet, and Ryan shares his list of possible presidential gay hookups. Click the pic to go…
Amazing Baseball Catch – Derrick Salberg Will Sooo Be Getting Laid
The Most Likely to Get College Poontang This Week award goes to Lower Columbia College (WA) baseball player Derrick Salberg, whose leaping catch over the fence to save a tournament game was featured on ESPN, HuffPo, and is now spreading…
Mickey Mouse Loves Japanese Lesbians Just Like We Do
Disneyland Tokyo announced it would allow same sex ceremonies in the park. The company made the decision after an inquiry by a young Japanese lesbian couple. Mickey was quoted as saying, “I think it’s great. I’ve been trying to…