CrabDiving – Wed 111622 – Elon Musk Is A Dickens Novel Boss and Trump Waddled Into The 2024 Race

Elon Musk is a Dickens novel boss and Trump waddled into the 2024 race. Mara Lago security thugs wouldn’t let guests leave during Shitler’s low-energy announcement. Ivanka was a no-show for Trump’s campaign kick-off event which was a pretty big…


CrabDiving – Mon 111422 – Democrats Kept Control Of The Senate and The GOP Are Blaming Each Other

Democrats kept control of the Senate and the GOP are blaming each other. Super sad Senator Lindsay Graham squirted real tears over Herschel Walker’s treatment by the lame-streams and how that will discourage young African Americans from voting Republican. Experts…


CrabDiving – Fri 111122 – Trump Is Spewing Unhinged “Truths” While GOP Team Crazy Attacks Kevin McCarthy

Trump is spewing unhinged “Truths” whole GOP team crazy attacks Kevin McCarthy. Shitler claimed he interfered on behalf of DeSantis during the 2018 Florida gubernatorial election sending in the FBI stop the vote count. Colorado decriminalized shrooms and other psychedelics. South Dakota…
