CrabDiving – Wed 050422 – The GOP Are Gunning For LGBTQ People and Contraception After They Destroy Women’s Rights

The GOP are gunning for LGBTQ people and contraception after they destroy women’s rights. Vice President Kamala Harris gave SCOTUS and the GOP what-for over the gutting of Roe. President Biden spoke out against the ban saying these Republicans  are the most extreme American…


CrabDiving – Mon 050222 – The January 6th Committee Wants To Talk To Dr. Feelgood and Mo Brooks

The January 6th Committee wants to talk to Dr. Feelgood and Mo Brooks. Former Trump Defense Secretary Esper has penned a book about his time in The White House that includes a behind the scenes account of Shitler’s administration during the  Black…


CrabDiving – Fri 042922 – It’s Awesome That Roger Stone Has Sunk To Slinging Satanic Portal Conspiracy Theories

It’s awesome that Roger Stone has sunk to slinging satanic portal conspiracy theories. Tech stocks crapped the bed. GOP lunatics Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene neatly came to blows in a DC GOP hangout. Latin countries are seeing a decline in Catholicism. GOP…


CrabDiving – Thu 042822 – Moronic Republicans Still Believe There Are Litterboxes In Schools For Furry Kids

Moronic Republicans still believe there are litter boxes in schools for furry kids. Biden promises an answer on student debt soon. A right wing nut job in the UK claimed someone in the Labour Party kept crossing and uncrossing their…
