CrabDiving – Fri 032522 – The Wife of SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas Is A Nutjob Seditionist

The wife of Scotus justice Clarence Thomas is a nutjob seditionist. Clarence was released from the hospital for a bout with an “infection.” Putin compared himself to JK Rowling claiming to be a victim of cancel culture much like the anti-trans…


CrabDiving – Thu 032422 – Insecure White Men Are Losing Their Racist Minds

Tucker Carlson demon

Insecure white men are losing their racist minds. Biden says the Ukraine war will cause a worldwide food shortage. A white nationalist incel caterwauled about being replaced. A bigoted conservative media hipster duo complained about the new Batman being anti-white and warned…


CrabDiving – Wed 032322 – Cartoonishly Vile Republicans And Their Racist Performance Art

Cartoonishly vile Republicans and their racist performance art were on full display during the confirmation hearings Kentanji Brown Jackson. Lindsey Graham has scored a snowflake with two early exits from the hearings. “Senator” Ted Cruz nearly stole the show for the party…


CrabDiving – Mon 032122 – Angry Russian Oligarchs Might Mean Putin Needs To Have Food Tasters

Angry Russian oligarchs might mean Putin needs to get food tasters. SCOTUS nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson started her confirmation hearing and had to endure bizarre question from GOP loon Marsha Blackburn. SCROTUS Thomas was checked into hospital but he’s fine. Baby Cyrus…
