CrabDiving – Thu 031022 – Greedy Companies Are Raising Prices As Their Profits Soar


Greedy companies are raising prices as their profits soar. Putin’s tanks were destroyed by Ukrainian artillery. Loony conservatives tried to hold up Ukraine aid for a crap reason. Even Russia State Television admits Putin’s push into Ukraine was a mistake.…


CrabDiving – Wed 030922 – Republicans Are Totally Cool With Their Congressmen Attending White Nationalist Rallies

Republicans Are Totally Cool With Their Congressmen Attending White Nationalist Rallies

Republicans are totally cool with their congressmen attending white nationalist rallies. Slimy Ted Cruz told a trucker convoy in DC every time he flies either the pilot or the flight attendant gives him a big gross hug. A prolific mask hole…


CrabDiving – Thu 030322 – Cartoonishly Racist Tucker Carlson Wants The Black SCOTUS Nominee’s LSAT Scores

Cartoonishly racist Tucker Carlson wants black SCOTUS nominee’s LSAT scores.  A Russian entrepreneur offered a million dollars to any Russian soldier who brings Putin to justice.  The good and just Democratic Governor of Wisconsin saved the state from a very racist redistricting.…
