Santorum Campaign Fail Is Well Deserved

Giant ninny Rick Santorum found himself staring at a single, solitary person at a recent campaign stop in Iowa.

My face hurts from grinning.

The Des Moines Register reports that the 2016 GOP Clown Car passenger showed up to stomp in the hamlet of Hamlin.  Sen. Frothy Mixture said that he thought one person was a good crowd.  That is, for in the middle of the workday in a town of under 300 people.

Santorum campaign fail

Profound voter apathy is actually too good for the Christo-fascist former Senator from Pennsylvania.  His decidedly un-Christian disdain for the poor, anti-gay bigotry, anti-porn fear mongering and anti-women views should actually make him totally abhorrent to any normal human.

Santorum Message:  Watch Out For The Gay

As the corn-fed non-crowd swelled to four, the vile Santorum went into full Christian faux-persecution terror-mode.  He spewed:

“This is where the left is saying, ‘Here is what your belief system should be, and anyone who does not toe the line, you’re a hater, you’re a bigot, you’re intolerant and you will not be tolerated.’”

Maybe this Republican asshole thinks homosexuality is contagious.  A short time back, when asked if he would attend a gay marriage, he answered with an emphatic “no.”  Pressed for more, he pulled out that “love the sinner / hate the sin” bullshit:

“As a person of my faith, that that would be something that would be a violation of my faith. I would love them and support them, uh, but I would not participate in that ceremony.”

Last Week’s Santorum Campaign Fail

Maybe Revolting Rick is still reeling from the science-smacking he got from Chris Wallace regarding the former Senator’s calling for the Pope to leave science to scientists.  The Pope, by the way, has a Master’s Degree in chemistry.

Let’s hope the Santorum campaign fail train continues to rocket off the tracks.

It’s great fun watching that sanctimonious prig fail.

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