Rick Santorum actually took a moment away from obsessing about those terrifying homos to take on another scourge to his version of society. He issued a statement that if elected he will crack down on pornography.
“Pornography is toxic to marriages and relationships,” Santorum writes, and says he would hire an Attorney General that would vigorously enforce federal obscenity laws – which happen to be vague as shit.
This will be hard to believe, but our blog and Youtube show could possibly be considered “obscene” by some communities’ standards – and would therefore be ILLEGAL.
I’m a scrawny dude and would not do well in prison.
If you’re compelled to vote for one of the inexplicable Republican candidates, don’t fucking vote Santorum!
Oops, I said “fucking”! If that putz wins, I’ll have to come back and delete this or I may end up in jail as someone’s bitch.
Fuck that.
Shit! I swore again.
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