Tag: Christian Taliban

CrabDiving – Fri 092719 – Support For Impeachment Grows & The NRA Is Drenched In Russian DNA

Support For Impeachment Grows

The support for impeachment grows, jumping twelve points in a new poll. Trump continued his maximum-pressure Twitter war against the universe with a focus on the Dems. A gaggle of former national security officials signed a letter formally poo-pooing Shitler’s…


CrabDiving – Wed 061219 – Elaine Chao’s Crazy Corruption & Trump’s Concentration Camps

Elaine Chao's Crazy Corruption

Elaine Chao’s crazy corruption scandal is significant even in Trump-i-verse. Former Starbuck’s Czar Howard Shultz is scaling back his crappy campaign for president. Federal spending has topped three trillion bucks under the Shitler Administration. Don Jr. said he had nothing…
