Tag: Christian Taliban

CrabDiving – Tue 071415 – America’s Transvestite Army & Obama Does Not Bomb Iran

beware America's transvestite army

Tuesday’s show!  The Crabs anticipate the onslaught of “America’s “Transvestite Army” (Rick Wiles’ words not CrabDiving).  Pat and Ryan also cover several crazy stories.  Obama strikes a deal with Iran instead of bombing Tehran back to the Stone Age.  Israel no likey Obama’s Iran…


CrabDiving – Thu 060415 – Michele Bachmann Christofascism & Pat Robertson Is From Middle Earth

Thursday’s Crabs deliver Michele Bachmann Christofascism on a big gross, cross-shaped platter.  Pat and Ryan also cover Rick Perry dropping some rhymes and his dignity.  Ted Cruz says sorry for being a total dick.  Lincoln Chafee saddles up for a presidential…
