Tag: Christian Taliban

CrabDiving – Wed 022515 – Pat Robertson Ain’t A Mars Fan, Texas Secessionists Busted By Fuzz

Republic of Texas secessionists

This Wednesday, the Crabs cover the following stories: Pat Robertson isn’t much for Mars cuz it ain’t in the Bible; RWNJs want Christianity dubbed our “national religion”; Texas secessionists are pissed cuz the po-po raided their revolution party; the socialist candidate…


CrabDiving – Tue 021715 – Gettin’ Nuc-Yuh-Lar With ISIS, Okla-Coma Bible Bangers, Scott Walker Can’t Prove He Talks To Jebus

On Tuesday, the Crabs sink their pincers into sky-gods of many different varieties. Plus, the following is covered: a-hole Arkansas senator wants to nuke ISIS cuz he’s a simpleton; ISIS to storm the boot; Okla-coma educators are passing out Bibles…


CrabDiving – Mon 020915 – Shame On Judge Roy Moore, Manson Marriage Is Off, Okla-coma Dullard Blows Up Kid

Alabama justice Roy Moore american taliban

The Crabs give a big “frag you” to the dishonorable, dickhead-ish jerk-off Judge Roy Moore and cover the following stories: same sex couples in Alabama exercise their human rights and get married; a Republican in Missouri introduces something great that isn’t…
